A Great Patio ~ Garden Furniture

Thursday 14 May 2009

A Great Patio

A great patio is an essential element (if not the most important element) of a welcoming garden.

It's OK not to pay much emphasis to your patio if you just want a garden to stare at from the house and to create a view from the windows but most of us want to use our gardens and we want to sit in them and enjoy them.

So it's important to create a focal point with your patio and make it the most attractive spot in the garden so you, your family and friends want to sit there.

And what makes a great patio?
  1. You need a hard surface which is even, pleasant to walk on and to look at situated in the right place in the garden
  2. You need quality garden furniture - enough chairs for the everyone who usually gather around your patio and maybe an outdoor dining table if you plan on eating outside
  3. You need patio cushions to make the hard surfaces of the patio furniture comfortable to sit on
  4. You need plants surrounding your patio to add color (and possibly fragrance)
Of course you can add a lot more elements to make a great patio but these are the essentials. We'll look at each of them in this blog.

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