Garden Furniture for Kids ~ Garden Furniture

Monday 20 July 2009

Garden Furniture for Kids

Have you seen those mini garden furniture sets you can get for kids? They are so cute! It's the kind of thing which makes you get out your wallet when you should really be thinking about how practical they are.

If you are buying as a toy so that your child can have tea parties with their friends or with their teddies that's one thing and the kids patio sets are just fantastic for that. But if you are buying as garden furniture so that your child has their own chair to sit with you then that's another thing entirely.

If kids are interacting with adults they really like to sit WITH them and not down lower towards the ground. Especially important for sharing a meal at the outdoor dining table if you think about it! If you want your child to join in family life buy him or her an adult sized chair to join in on your level!

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